Featured Art: drawing ‘Mountain Beauty’ by Michel Montecrossa

Featured Art: drawing ‘Mountain Beauty’ by Michel Montecrossa

Description: ‘Mountain Beauty’, Mirapuri, 11th April 2014 ink, pencil, wax crayon on paper, 44 x 31,3 cm

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings can be seen as previews: michelmontecrossa.com/gallery/paintings-drawings/

Michel Montecrossa Homepage: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

FacebookBecome Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

Art Merchandise:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) for 1000 €uro each plus shipping or on demand in other formats.

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail: Filmaur@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com


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Featured video: Michel Montecrossa’s Interview about ‘Cybersymphony and Song Music’

Featured video: watch here Michel Montecrossa‘s Interview about ‘Cybersymphony and Song Music’ and excerpts of his Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert in the Toskana Therme in Bad Sulza (Germany).

“Song-music and instrumental-music”, says Michel Montecrossa, “both have the same origin in the highest creative consciousness. They are two ways for expressing the joy, the energy, the tenderness and the happy feeling of life coming through consciousness expanding experience. Song-music and instrumental-music in their cyber-modern as well as in their classical-modern forms are therefore a harmoniously self-fulfilling completeness in my artistic work. My concerts are the live presentation of this creative unity, in a future oriented way bringing together song- and instrumental music.”

Michel Montecrossa Homepage: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

FacebookBecome Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

The Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert, Part Two - Michel Montecrossa and his Lightsound Orchestra

Download Part Two on iTunes:
The Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert, Pt. 2 - Michel Montecrossa and His Lightsound Orchestra

Order or download Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert, Part 1-3′ – click here

About the Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert in the Toskana Therme Bad Sulza, Germany

Michel Montecrossa’s powerfully artistic ‘Sound & Soulworld Cybersymphony and Song Concert, Part 1-3′ in the Toskana Therme Bad Sulza, Germany released by Mira Sound Germany on 3 double Audio-CDs & DVDs presents live 46 Michel Montecrossa modern

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