Music & Art Mix 333: songs, drawing, movie & photography art by Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali

‘Touching The Body In The Morning’ – drawing by Michel Montecrossa

Description: ‘Touching The Body In The Morning’, Mirapuri, 2013, pen on paper, 42×30 cm

Listen to the ‘Concert Preview’ playlist with acoustic songs by Michel Montecrossa and Orgastica-DJ tracks by Mirakali

Please pay the artists for their music

Preview of Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Das Leben Singt Mit Freude Und Liebe’ New Topical & Orgastica-DJ Concert

Fiery red blossom – photo by Mirakali

More songs and movies:

Explore Michel Montecrossa’s art, music, movies & more  on his facebook page and on Twitter:

Mirakali’s Homepage:

Today’s Quote – Michel Montecrossa: “.. When food is only for the rich and houses have no water than money takes the place of our soul. It is another world. ..”

Today’s Quote:

When good things turn bad, what good comes from the bad? Is the green Greenland the good that comes from the melting ice?

There are worlds related to our body – food, housing, money. There are worlds related to our soul – love, light, consciousness.

When food is only for the rich and houses have no water than money takes the place of our soul. It is another world.

When good things turn bad, what good comes from the bad? Is the hunger for more love, the thirst for protecting light and the need for true consciousness the good that comes from global warming?

When love turns to all, when light leads to knowledge and consciousness-growth gives the power to act, our soul will survive and the earth be saved. It is another world..

– quoted from: Michel Montecrossa about his ‘Another World’ Cyberrock & Slam Poetry Concert – you find more information as well as various tracks from this amazing Concert here

Listen to Michel Montecrossa’s track ‘Another World’ from this Concert and watch below the music movie for this song

Explore more quotes by Michel Montecrossa under the tag Today’s Quote

See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa’s live-album of his ‘Another World’ Cyberrock & Slam Poetry Concert

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 221

Today’s Art: ‘The Three Of Us Played With Bodies’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

Description: ’The Three Of Us Played With Bodies’, Miravillage, 10th December 2014, ink and acryl on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Music & Art Mix 332: songs, painting, movie & photography art by Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali

‘Picture Poem 5’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

’Picture Poem 5’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

Listen to the ‘Relaxing Climate Girls’ playlist with tracks by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali

Please pay the artists for their music

HOT & READY – HEISS & BEREIT – Pre-Release from Michel Montecrossa’s upcoming Virtual Climate Change Concert Session #6

Single white blossom – photo by Mirakali

More songs and movies:

Explore Michel Montecrossa’s art, music, movies & more  on his facebook page and on Twitter:

Mirakali’s Homepage:

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 220

Today’s Art: ‘Soul Channel’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Quote – Michel Montecrossa: “Love is the strength of every magic and magic is the drive in all powers of love. ..”

Today’s Quote:

Love is the strength of every magic and magic is the drive in all powers of love. …

– quote included in: Michel Montecrossa about his ‘Sweet Magic’ Concert – you find more information as well as various tracks from this amazing Concert here

Listen to Michel Montecrossa’s track ‘Sweet Magic’ from this Concert

Explore more quotes by Michel Montecrossa under the tag Today’s Quote

See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Electronica and Cyberrock Tuesday 259 – great songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali

Michel Montecrossa – live on stage

Celebrating today the 259th post of the Electronica and Cyberrock Song Tuesday with songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali, also including Michel Montecrossa’s performance of Bob Dylan’s song ‘Corrina, Corrina’.

The Dance Of Life (by Michel Montecrossa); Genre: Dance-Electronica

Who Is There (by Mirakali); Genre: Cyberrock

Corrina, Corinna (Michel Montecrossa sings Bob Dylan); Genre: Cyberrock

Michel Montecrossa’s Homepage:

Follow Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa sings Bob Dylan:

Mirakali’s Homepage:

Follow Mirakali Montecrossa on Instagram:

Music & Art Mix 331: songs, painting, movie & photography art by Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali

‘Young Bird’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

Description: ‘Young Bird‘, Mirapuri, 28th August 2015, ink and acryl on paper, 29 x 41 cm

Listen to ‘Talking Love & Unity World’ by Michel Montecrossa and ‘New Earth, New Sky’ by Mirakali

Please pay the artists for their music

‘New Earth & New Sky’ – Movie and song by Mirakali

Bird at my window – photo by Mirakali

More songs and movies:

Explore Michel Montecrossa’s art, music, movies & more  on his facebook page and on Twitter:

Mirakali’s Homepage:

Today’s Quote – Michel Montecrossa: “Love & Freedom are the life-qualities which are like a double-sun making the flowers of creative peace grow with unlimited speed.”

Today’s Quote:

Love & Freedom are the life-qualities which are like a double-sun making the flowers of creative peace grow with unlimited speed.

– quote: Michel Montecrossa about his ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert – you find more information as well as various tracks from this amazing Concert here

Listen to Michel Montecrossa’s track ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ from this Concert

Explore more quotes by Michel Montecrossa under the tag Today’s Quote

See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa’s Live-Album of his ‘Love & Freedom Heal – Liebe & Freiheit Heilen’ Concert

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 219

Today’s Art: Love World Action Power ‘Imaginative Dragon’ – painting by Michel Montecrossa

Description: Love World Action Power ‘Imaginative Dragon’
Mirapuri, 2013, Pen and acryl on paper, 42×30 cm

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)