Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 1043

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #11’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 963

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #19’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 937

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #20’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 918

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #18’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 914

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #17’ – drawing by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities Art by Michel Montecrossa, part 911

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #16’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’.

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

Michel Montecrossa website Michel Montecrossa 

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 750 & Bonus-Movie

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #7’ by Michel Montecrossa – watch below  the trailer of his great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’ that you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand

Michel Montecrossa on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 674 & bonus movie

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #4’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can rent or download here on Vimeo on Demand Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘THE RESURRECTION MOVIE’ & Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘I Have A Vision’ For Joe Biden’s USA Presidency

‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #4’ by Michel Montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Movie: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘I Have A Vision’ For Joe Biden’s Usa Presidency

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 658 & bonus movie

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #8’ – drawing by Michel Montecrossa & Trailer for his great peace & climate change musical ‘The Resurrection Movie’

”Resurrection Movie Drawings #8′, Mirapuri, 28th September 2008, ink on handmade paper, 27 x 20 cm

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)

Movie: Michel Montecrossa’s great peace & climate change musical ‘The Resurrection Movie’

Today’s Art: Multiple Realities drawings and paintings by Michel Montecrossa, part 623

Today’s Art: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #12’ by Michel Montecrossa – you can buy or rent the peace & climate change musical ‘The Resurrection Movie’ on Vimeo on Demand

Description: ‘Resurrection Movie Drawings #12’, Mirapuri, 28th September 2008, ink on handmade paper, 27 x 20 cm

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Become Michel Montecrossa’s friend on facebook:

All Michel Montecrossa Paintings and Drawings are available as High Resolution Digital Art Prints on canvas, either in standard-size A1 (59,4 cm x 84,1 cm) or on demand in other formats. See here previews of all paintings & drawings:

Send your order to: Filmaur Multimedia, Danziger Str. 1, 82131 Gauting near Munich, t: +49 (0)89-8508555, eMail:

Visit exhibitions of Michel Montecrossa’s art:

Read here about ‘THE ENERGY OF ART’ ART EXHIBITION of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the Mirapuri New Art Gallery (Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy)

Read here about the new ‘ART FOR FUTURE – KUNST FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT’ EXHIBITION 2020 – 2022 of Michel Montecrossa paintings and drawings at the New Art Gallery at the Filmaur Multimedia House (Gauting near Munich, Germany)