‘Climate Generation’ Concert nächstes Highlight der ‘Peace & Climate Change’ Tour

Konzertplakat von Michel Montecrossa\'s \'Climate Generation\' Concert

Morgen wird Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Peace & Climate Change Concert Tour’ in Gauting bei München mit dem ‘Climate Generation’ Concert fortgesetzt; natürlich im Michel Montecrossa Rockvision Diner.


“Climate Generation is the youth-movement of the 21st century.

Born into the cynical and untruthful world of sell-out adults who don’t care about their children, Climate Generation quickly understands the hard way: ‘Don’t trust old people ’cause they have nothin’ to lose.’

Climate Generation is born on a planet with a changing climate both inner and outer. Values collapse. It’s either food or housing – or none of them. Volcanos erupting, earthquakes, cyclones, wars and crimes increasing, energy dwindling, prices rising, drinking water fading as does work, slums expanding as does hopelessness.

Climate Generation: another silicon valley loneliness, another industrialization madness, another army, another bomb, another level of cruelty or another level of Love and Change?”:

Poetry, Music-Videos und MiraSolaris Öko-Habitat Präsentation: 21:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Live-Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und seiner Band The Chosen Few:
22:00 – 1:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 10 €

Weiterführende Informationen zu Cyberrocker/Cybersymphoniker
Michel Montecrossa: http://www.MichelMontecrossa.com
Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner: http://www.MichelRockVision.com

Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner:
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting
tel: 089 – 8508555
fax: 089 – 8509178
email: Michel-RockVision@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com
Internet: http://www.MichelRockVision.com

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