Michel Montecrossa @ talkshow ‘Tee bei Sabine’ on 25-05-2014 in the Bosco Bürger- und Kulturhaus, Gauting

On 25th May 2014 at 17:00 you can experience Michel Montecrossa live during the talkshow ‘Tee bei Sabine’ at the Bosco Bürger- und Kulturhaus in 82131 Gauting, Oberer Kirchenweg 1. 

Michel Montecrossa will speak about his life as a universal artist and about the importance of Mirapuri the European City of Peace and Futureman which he founded in Italy.

Event website: www.bosco-gauting.de/php/index.php?page_id=25&veranstaltung_id=1325

Where & When: 
Michel Montecrossa live during the talkshow ‘Tee bei Sabine’

on 17:00
Bosco Bürger- und Kulturhaus Gauting,
Oberer Kirchenweg 1
82131 Gauting (near Munich, Germany)

Michel Montecrossa Homepage: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

Follow Michel Montecrossa on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Montecrossa

Become a friend of Michel Montecrossa on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa’s Topical Action Solo Concert on 4th May 2013 @ Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner

Michel Montecrossa‘s Topical Action Solo Concert is set to take place on 4th May 2013 from 21:00 – 22:00 at the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting near Munich.
One hour of topical songs with Michel Montecrossa and his acoustic guitar

Michel Montecrossa says about his ‘Topical Action’ Solo Concert:
“My ‘Topical Action’ are songs that not only tell but also lead to action. I do what I sing about. With my friends I build Mirapuri, the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy. There we put into practice of life and action the content of my New-Topical-Songs. All my concerts are Evolver Concerts showing what can be done and will be done. As a ‘Singing Newsman’ I tell the story as it unfolds. Each of my concerts and every song is a step forward on the journey of consciousness and joy.”

Michel Montecrossa's Topical Action -  Concert Poster

When & Where
SATURDAY, 4th MAY, 2013 FROM 21.00 – 22:00
DANZIGER STR. 1 • D-82131 GAUTING (near Munich) • GERMANY

PHONE: +49-89-8508555 • FAX: +49-89-8509178
E-MAIL: info@michelrockvision.com

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:  www.MichelMontecrossa.com

Order CDs, DVDs, eBooks and books by Michel Montecrossa from the Mirapuri-Shop: www.Mirapuri-Shop.com

Download great Michel Montecrossa songs from iTunes: www.Michel-iTunes.com

Follow Michel Montecrossa on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Montecrossa

Become a friend of Michel Montecrossa on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

Watch Michel Montecrossa videos & trailers on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/michelmontecrossa

‘Climate Generation’ Concert nächstes Highlight der ‘Peace & Climate Change’ Tour

Konzertplakat von Michel Montecrossa\'s \'Climate Generation\' Concert

Morgen wird Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Peace & Climate Change Concert Tour’ in Gauting bei München mit dem ‘Climate Generation’ Concert fortgesetzt; natürlich im Michel Montecrossa Rockvision Diner.


“Climate Generation is the youth-movement of the 21st century.

Born into the cynical and untruthful world of sell-out adults who don’t care about their children, Climate Generation quickly understands the hard way: ‘Don’t trust old people ’cause they have nothin’ to lose.’

Climate Generation is born on a planet with a changing climate both inner and outer. Values collapse. It’s either food or housing – or none of them. Volcanos erupting, earthquakes, cyclones, wars and crimes increasing, energy dwindling, prices rising, drinking water fading as does work, slums expanding as does hopelessness.

Climate Generation: another silicon valley loneliness, another industrialization madness, another army, another bomb, another level of cruelty or another level of Love and Change?”:

Poetry, Music-Videos und MiraSolaris Öko-Habitat Präsentation: 21:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Live-Konzert mit Michel Montecrossa und seiner Band The Chosen Few:
22:00 – 1:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 10 €

Weiterführende Informationen zu Cyberrocker/Cybersymphoniker
Michel Montecrossa: http://www.MichelMontecrossa.com
Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner: http://www.MichelRockVision.com

Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner:
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting
tel: 089 – 8508555
fax: 089 – 8509178
email: Michel-RockVision@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com
Internet: http://www.MichelRockVision.com