The movie-series ‘MEDITATIONS ON SAVITRI’ visualizing Sri Aurobindo’s great epic poem – Part 3

Today follows the third article about the movie-series ‘MEDITATIONS ON SAVITRI’ visualizing Sri Aurobindo’s great epic poem. The movie-series created by Michel Montecrossa offers as Bonus Features additional short movies – watch here the second movie titled MIRA ALFASSA – THE MOTHER ABOUT THE OPENING LINE OF SAVITRI

About the movie-series ‘MEDITATIONS ON SAVITRI’
The original movie-series in 12 parts authorized by Mira Alfassa – The Mother produced by Filmaur Multimedia, Germany directed and created by Michel Montecrossa under the guidance and on commission of Mira Alfassa – The Mother
Savitri is Sri Aurobindos major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series visualizes Savitri in 12 parts through images, painted by Huta Hindocha, on the basis of original drawings and detailed instructions by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The ‘Meditations on Savtri’ movies present all images together with recitations from Savitri spoken by Mira Alfassa – The Mother and accompanied by her own organ music.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series was produced and directed by Michel Montecrossa on commission and with the special blessings of Mira Alfassa – The Mother.

More information about the ‘Meditations on Savitri’ movie series can be found here – it is available for download on Vimeo on Demand here or as DVDs at the Mirapuri-Shop here and can also be ordered directly from:

Filmaur Multimedia
Danziger Str. 1
82131 Gauting
Phone: +49 (0)89 850 8555

Mira Alfassa – The Mother