The Trailer – for the Episodes of the Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival Movie Seasons


The Trailer for the episodes of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival movie seasons is released by Filmaur Multimedia on DVD and as Download.
The Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy takes place every month in the Internet with a new episode.It’s a celebration of love, tender care and peace, taking a stand for enduring love and powerful optimism with great music and experience movies of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few.
Join the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy to explore every month the great original New-Topical-Songs, Cyberrock, Dance-Electronica & Orgastica-DJ Hits of Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few keeping alive the legendary feeling of the original annual Live Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri and bringing it to the virtuality of the World Wide Web.

The Spirit of Woodstock Festival on facebook:

‘Reading Savitri’ – ‘Meditations On Savitri’ Bonus Movie by Michel Montecrossa

Watch here ‘Reading Savitri’ by Michel Montecrossa, a bonus movie from his ‘Meditations On Savitri’ movie series – the epic poem ‘Savitri’ written by the poet and mystic Sri Aurobindo is his major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.

About ‘Meditations On Savitri’

The original movie-series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ in 12 parts authorized by Mira Alfassa – The Mother produced by Filmaur Multimedia, Germany directed and created by Michel Montecrossa under the guidance and on commission of Mira Alfassa – The Mother
Savitri is Sri Aurobindos major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series visualizes Savitri in 12 parts through images, painted by Huta Hindocha, on the basis of original drawings and detailed instructions by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ movies present all images together with recitations from Savitri spoken by Mira Alfassa – The Mother and accompanied by her own organ music.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series was produced and directed by Michel Montecrossa on commission and with the special blessings of Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
To download or rent single movies or the entire movie series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ from Vimeo on Demand, click here

all informations about the ‘Meditations On Savitri’ movie series can be found at:

Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

New Blog page: Meditations On Savitri – Michel Montecrossa’s DVD series visualizing Sri Aurobindo’s great epic poem

A new page has been added to the blog: Meditations On Savitri – Michel Montecrossa’s DVD series visualizing Sri Aurobindo’s great epic poem

Michel Montecrossa – all information:

Explore Michel Montecrossa’s art, music, movies, quotes and more on his facebook page and on Twitter:

‘Meditations On Savitri’ Part 8, Bonus Movie

The following movie by Michel Montecrossa is included as bonus movie on the DVD of part 8 from the ‘Meditations On Savitri’ movie series – the epic poem ‘Savitri’ written by the poet and mystic Sri Aurobindo is his major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.

About ‘Meditations On Savitri’

The original movie-series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ in 12 parts authorized by Mira Alfassa – The Mother produced by Filmaur Multimedia, Germany directed and created by Michel Montecrossa under the guidance and on commission of Mira Alfassa – The Mother
Savitri is Sri Aurobindos major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series visualizes Savitri in 12 parts through images, painted by Huta Hindocha, on the basis of original drawings and detailed instructions by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ movies present all images together with recitations from Savitri spoken by Mira Alfassa – The Mother and accompanied by her own organ music.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series was produced and directed by Michel Montecrossa on commission and with the special blessings of Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
To download or rent single movies or the entire movie series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ from Vimeo on Demand, click here

recited text from the movie – taken from Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem ‘Savitri’

Savitri, Book III, Canto II The Adoration Of The Divine Mother

At the head she stands of birth and toil and fate,
In their slow round the cycles turn to her call;
Alone her hands can change Time’s dragon base.
Hers is the mystery the Night conceals;
The spirit’s alchemist energy is hers;
She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The joy that beckons from the impossible,
The Might of all that never yet came down.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
And break the seals on the dim soul of man
And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.
All here shall be one day her sweetness’ home,
All contraries prepare her harmony;
Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes;
In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell,
Her clasp shall turn to ecstasy our pain.
Our self shall be one self with all through her.
In her confirmed because transformed in her,
Our life shall find in its fulfilled response
Above, the boundless hushed beatitudes,
Below, the wonder of the embrace divine.

further information and Trailer of ‘Meditations On Savitri’:

The Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 8 ‘I Come From The Future’ Taking A Stand For Enduring Love And Powerful Optimism

The Episode 8 ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 is the celebration of Love and Tender Care and of Peace.
The Episode 8 ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ is the journey that takes you by the hand to show you how the world will be when we are ready for this Loving Freedom-Feel.
Starting with the song ‘Helping For Corona Immunity – Für Corona Immunität Helfen’ for all humanity Michel Montecrossa’s voice of peace goes on with ‘I Come From The Future – Ich Komme Aus Der Zukunft’, leading to the ‘Interview #2 by Moonika Siimets from Estonia with Michel Montecrossa‘ followed by the powerful Love Songs ‘I Know Your Love Is There‘, ‘Angel-Light‘ and ‘O Sun-Baby! I’m A-Lovin’ You’. The finale is the caring female healing energy song ‘Feminine’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ’I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ Episode 8 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 takes a stand for enduring Love and powerful Optimism.“

The Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 8 ‘I Come From The Future’

The Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 8 ‘I Come From The Future’

The Episode 8 ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 is the celebration of Love and Tender Care and of Peace.
The Episode 8 ‘I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ is the journey that takes you by the hand to show you how the world will be when we are ready for this Loving Freedom-Feel.
Starting with the song ‘Helping For Corona Immunity – Für Corona Immunität Helfen’ for all humanity Michel Montecrossa’s voice of peace goes on with ‘I Come From The Future – Ich Komme Aus Der Zukunft’, leading to the ‘Interview #2 by Moonika Siimets from Estonia with Michel Montecrossa‘ followed by the powerful Love Songs ‘I Know Your Love Is There‘, ‘Angel-Light‘ and ‘O Sun-Baby! I’m A-Lovin’ You’. The finale is the caring female healing energy song ‘Feminine’.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“The ’I COME FROM THE FUTURE’ Episode 8 of the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 takes a stand for enduring Love and powerful Optimism.“

The Virtual Spirit Of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy Season 2020/2021 Episode 8 ‘I Come From The Future’

Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali: Happy Christmas Greetings 2020

Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali: Happy Christmas Greetings 2020



Michel Montecrossa Homepage:

Mirakali’s Homepage:

New Blog Page: watch all episodes of THE VIRTUAL SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2020 / 2021 CONCERT SERIES

A new page has been added to the blog:

On the page – and in this blog post – you can watch all episodes of THE VIRTUAL SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2020 / 2021 CONCERT SERIES starting from June 2020 up to now – further information about all episodes you find here:

The Spirit of Woodstock Festival on facebook:


Update: Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020 & 2021 in Mirapuri, Italy

Here’s an update about the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020 & 2021 in Mirapuri, Italy:

The Live Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2020 in Mirapuri, Italy, which should have taken place from Wednesday 29th July till Sunday 2nd August 2020 will be postponed due to corona till 2021 and will hopefully take place 28th July – 1st August: 5 highlight days of free music revolution with free entrance and friendly prices for camping, food, drinks and Hotel accommodation, together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy presenting open air concerts, hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’, groovy festival-bazaar and international coming together.
During the 5 festival-days Michel Montecrossa together with Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few presents brand-new original Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking and Cyberelectronica-DJ songs and instrumentals for having a good time.
A special highlight for 2021 is the Michel sings Bob Dylan Thursday featuring great poetic and New-Topical-Songs by Michel Montecrossa and Bob Dylan.
CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa  started the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri together with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy.

Every year a new spirit of music of courage and hope, sweetness of soul and strength of joy reaches out for the future along with hearty festival feastin’ and drinkin’ and international coming together.
The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is creative with the mighty dream of Unity, Love and Freedom. Guest musicians from all over the world come together to play and sing along with Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few and an enthusiastic audience for five days and nights every year in July. Since its inception the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri with its continuous five days flow of international music and brand-new Cyberrock, Cyberschlager, Cyberdance, Cyberviking, Cyberelectronica-DJ and New-Topical-Songs along with the Mirapuri Open Nature Camping and Mirapuri’s one and only Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy has developed into a great Free Music Event with free entrance and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation.
The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy every year stands out as a unique European Music-Experience-Event with international flair and an inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy.

In addition to the live Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, since 2020 the Virtual Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert series in Mirapuri, Italy takes place in the internet from June to June every year featuring every month
a new Spirit of Woodstock Festival concert by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and their band The Chosen Few which you can see here on the festival site or on the Michel Montecrossa homepage.

Featured: ‘Meditations On Savitri’ Part 8, Bonus Movie – poetry and art movie by Michel Montecrossa

Featured: the following movie by Michel Montecrossa is included as bonus movie on the DVD of part 8 from the ‘Meditations On Savitri’ movie series – the epic poem ‘Savitri’ written by the poet and mystic Sri Aurobindo is his major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.

About ‘Meditations On Savitri’

The original movie-series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ in 12 parts authorized by Mira Alfassa – The Mother produced by Filmaur Multimedia, Germany directed and created by Michel Montecrossa under the guidance and on commission of Mira Alfassa – The Mother
Savitri is Sri Aurobindos major work and most important introduction to his integral yoga and realization.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series visualizes Savitri in 12 parts through images, painted by Huta Hindocha, on the basis of original drawings and detailed instructions by Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ movies present all images together with recitations from Savitri spoken by Mira Alfassa – The Mother and accompanied by her own organ music.
The ‘Meditations on Savitri’ series was produced and directed by Michel Montecrossa on commission and with the special blessings of Mira Alfassa – The Mother.
To download or rent single movies or the entire movie series ‘Meditations On Savitri’ from Vimeo on Demand, click here

recited text from the movie – taken from Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem ‘Savitri’

Savitri, Book III, Canto II The Adoration Of The Divine Mother

At the head she stands of birth and toil and fate,
In their slow round the cycles turn to her call;
Alone her hands can change Time’s dragon base.
Hers is the mystery the Night conceals;
The spirit’s alchemist energy is hers;
She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the Unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The joy that beckons from the impossible,
The Might of all that never yet came down.
All Nature dumbly calls to her alone
To heal with her feet the aching throb of life
And break the seals on the dim soul of man
And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things.
All here shall be one day her sweetness’ home,
All contraries prepare her harmony;
Towards her our knowledge climbs, our passion gropes;
In her miraculous rapture we shall dwell,
Her clasp shall turn to ecstasy our pain.
Our self shall be one self with all through her.
In her confirmed because transformed in her,
Our life shall find in its fulfilled response
Above, the boundless hushed beatitudes,
Below, the wonder of the embrace divine.

further information and Trailer of ‘Meditations On Savitri’:
