Friday Tunes 95: Top Songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali (& Bonus Movie)

Here we go: part 95 of Friday Tunes featuring a selection of Top Songs by Michel Montecrossa and Mirakali taken from various albums.

Singin’ For The Young – Für Die Jugend Singen (by Michel Montecrossa) Genre: Dance-Electronica

Love’s Oracle (by Michel Montecrossa) Genre: CyberRock

Deep Cosmos Kiss (by Mirakali); Genre: Dance-Electronica

Refugees Blues – Flüchtlinge Blues (by Michel Montecrossa); Genre: CyberRock

Movie & Song: ‘Politos & Bankas Don’t Give The Answer’

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Image above: Mirakali live on stage


It’s Time To Share!’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about EU Protest, World Hunger and World War Future at a time when polito and banka brutality, cynicism and lying reach such dehumanizing levels that clever propaganda no longer can cheat the people. Protest in Europe is rising against polito-supported banka-speculator gangs that are not only plundering the people of the Eurozone but are also stealing food, water, land, housing and energy resources from the poor and hungry all over the world and are leading entire nations down the bloody road of World War profiteering.
Protesters all over the world are now taking to the streets and are beginning to put politos and bankas in their place. It’s time to share! Is the outcry of the Family of Man everywhere.

[vimeo 54243917]

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘It’s Time To Share!’:
“The ‘It’s Time To Share!’ New-Topical-Song was written when protests in Europe against polito and banka led raids became always stronger. People no longer are silent when they are driven down the road to poverty, hunger and war. I say, sharing is the answer making economies work, sharing of food, water, land, housing and energy resources. It’s time for the building of the United States of Planet Earth.”

It's Time To Share! - MIchel Montecrossa New-Topical-Song Audio-CD and DVD

Buy from Mirapuri-Shop

(Song about EU-Protest, World Hunger and World War Future)

It’s Time To Share! Is the outcry of European protesters. / Go to the streets! Is the call of a Lafontaine. / In Portugal thousands of soldiers are protesting against / austerity measures together with all people.
It’s Time To Share! Tax the rich! No spending cuts / and tax increases for Greece! Jail not bail! / The German army now is entitled to use war weapons / to kill German people in “special circumstances”!
It’s Time To Share! World hunger hits one billion! / Without a Palestinian state Israel has no future! / Going to ground war will end lip service of Arab leaders! / It’s a very bad place for Israel and the world / without real peace endeavors.
It’s Time To Share! The Middle East ever more is a World War explosion! / The future looks grim with bankas and politos makin’ us into slaves! / Politos must change the banka system and reduce the cost of living! / Politos must save the Eurozone and drive out dangerous speculators.
It’s Time To Share! Is the outcry of the Family of Man. / Sharing is the answer making economies work, / sharing of food, water, land and housing and energy resources. / It’s time for the building of the United States of Planet Earth!
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement: Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song Single & DVD apropos Italian & European protest against criminal Banka-Politos

Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Italian & European protest against criminal Banka-Politos. The Italian activist Beppe Grillo and his ‘Five Stars Movement’ as well as the people all over Europe and in fact all over the world are fed up with the totally anti-social speculator tactics of criminal bankas and the equally anti-social opportunism of equally criminal politos. The pressure mounts leading inevitably to Europe-wide protests and revolts if the polito and banka moral as well as the ethics of the rich do not improve in the very near future. Politos must change the banka-speculator criminality into real value banking and rise to the level of true statesmanship if they really stand for the people and want to save the European Union.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’:
“Beppe Grillo in Italy stands with his ‘Five Stars Movement – Movimento 5 Stelle’ for the people and a non-criminal banka & polito world.
Beppe Grillo is not alone with this aspiration nor is Italy the only country demanding a new level of political and economic ethics. All countries in Europe and all people of the European Union want that. European politicians must become true statesmen at the service of the people, bankas must become real value bankers at the service of the people, rich speculators must develop a social conscience, must be ready to share with the people and to pay higher taxes. Banka-gangstas shall get jail instead of bail. The living, housing, food and energy costs for the people must be radically lowered so that European workers can adjust their wages to the global reality without losing their jobs and their civilised living standard.
On this basis Europe’s working hand will stay competitive in the global economic scene and the well-being of the young will have top priority by giving free education and quality jobs instead of outsourcing. The securing of pensions and health-care then will equally have top priority to guaranty peace and human dignity.
For all this and more I sing my New-Topical-Song ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’.”

Michel Montecrossa's Single - Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement

Songlyrics in English & Italiano
Come gather ‘round people, ‘bout Italy I sing. / With bankas and politos there is little to win. / Must there be earthquakes before we start to think? / Beppe’s “5 Stelle” may be the next thing.
“Movimento 5 stelle” is the “Five Stars Movement” / of comedian Beppe Grillo against Italian corruption / and banka-politos with criminal records. / “Italians, wake up!” is Beppe’s message to the millions who listen.
Outdated, overpaid politos and banka-gangstas / hang around in power all over the world / caring little for the people, caring little for the young. / The world is exploding, time for change has come.
The Five-Stars Movement can go everywhere / as politos-banka-gangs exist everywhere. / It’s time for the uprising of new awareness culture / and conscious action that unites us all.
Mainstream-media must be liberated, / must be opened to the culture and movements of the people, / replacing dino-parties in the parliament. / The people know the people, know what people want.
Energy, transport, recycling and what not: / The people are the workers, know the hot spots. / They can fix things in a way no polito or banka ever can. / The people know the people, know what people can.
The Beppes are there all over the world, / can raise their voice, make people understand, / can bring the art of the heart into the parliaments, / the art of love for humanity that counts.
Yes, the Five-Stars Movement can go everywhere / as the power of the people is everywhere. / It’s time for the uprising of new awareness culture / and conscious action that unites us all.
‘Bout the world and Europe and Italy I sing. / With banka-politos there is little to win. / Must there be earthquakes before we start to think? / Beppe’s “5 Stelle” may be the best thing.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Gente, venite qui, canto dell’Italia. / Con bankas e politos c’è poco da vincere. / Devono esserci terremoti prima di iniziare a pensare? / Il “5 Stelle” di Beppe potrebbe essere il prossimo passo.
“The Five Stars Movement” è il “Movimento 5 Stelle” / del comico Beppe Grillo contro la corruzione italiana / e contro banka-politos con precedenti penali. / “Italiani, svegliavi” è il messaggio di Beppe a milioni di persone che lo ascoltano.
Basta con i politos e banka-gangstas strapagati / attaccati al potere in tutto il mondo / preoccupandosi poco per il popolo, curandosi poco per i giovani. / Il mondo sta esplodendo, è arrivato il tempo per cambiare.
Il ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ può essere ovunque / come bande di polito-banka esistono ovunque. / È tempo per la rivolta della cultura della nuova consapevolezza / e delle azioni consapevoli che ci uniscono tutti quanti
I mainstream-media devono essere liberalizzati, / devono essere aperti alla cultura e ai movimenti delle persone, / sostituendo i partiti-dinosauri in parlamento. / La gente conosce le persone, sa cosa vogliono.
Energia, trasporti, riciclo e cosa no: / le persone sono i lavoratori, conoscono i punti caldi. / Possono sistemare le cose in un modo / in cui un polito o banka non lo potrebbe mai fare / la gente conosce le persone, sa cosa riescono fare.
I Beppe ci sono in tutto il mondo / possono alzare la loro voce, far capire, / possono portare l’arte del cuore nei parlamenti, / l’arte dell’amore per l’umanità, quella che conta.
Sì, il ‘Movimento 5 Stelle’ può andare ovunque / come il potere del popolo è ovunque. / È tempo per la rivolta della cultura della nuova consapevolezza / e delle azioni consapevoli che ci uniscono tutti quanti.
Canto del mondo e dell’Europa e dell’Italia / Con banka-politos c’è poco da vincere. / Devono esserci terremoti prima di iniziare a pensare? / Il “5 Stelle” di Beppe potrebbe essere la miglior cosa.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Watch ‘Talking Beppe Grillo & The Five Stars Movement’ on Youtube:

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Video: Talking Yulia Tymoshenko & Killer Politos – Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Evolver-Song for amnesty and true statesmanship

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Yulia Tymoshenko & Killer Politos’:
“International politics, instead of serving the people, is always more in free fall towards zombie land with politos ruthlessly misusing power, acting like killers and putting arrogance in the place of diplomacy.
It is high time to revive true statesmanship again.”

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Song Lyrics

Talking Yulia Tymoshenko & Killer Politos

Amnesty is what Yulia Tymoshenko deserves.
Amnesty and no more horror of killer politos.
Amnesty and no more murder of human rights.
Amnesty and no more soulless power fights.

Give freedom to Yulia Tymoshenko now.
Give the proof that politics is not anti-human.
Give healthcare to her in Germany.
Show that politos can have a soul, can have mercy.

Yulia Tymoshenko and her fate is the chance
for the great people of Ukraine
to take a big step forward and show
that humanity is strong when ideology is gone.

Amnesty is what Yulia Tymoshenko deserves.
Amnesty and no more horror of killer politos.
Amnesty and no more murder of human rights.
Amnesty and no more soulless power fights.

Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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Intensivstörung – Michel Montecrossa Single release stimulated by Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.

Intensivstörung‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about polito-banka-media non-culture.

watch the video ‘Intensivstörung’

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Intensivstörung’:
“‘Intensivstörung’ is a Deutsch-Topical-Song about polito-banka-media non-culture, stimulated by Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.”
“Intensivstörung ist ein Deusch-Topical-Song über Polito-Bänka-Medien un-Kultur, angeregt durch Wulff, Guttenberg, Ackermann & Co.”

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Single 'Intensivstörung'

Song Lyrics

Die Medien verbreiten Lügen, / die Regierung stinkt und / die Geld Philosophie ist Scheiße. / Intensivstörung macht sich breit.
Die Leute kommunizieren massenhaft, / Politos und Bankas haben Angst, / wollen das Internet kappen. / Intensivstörung macht uns krank.
Die Medien verbreiten Lügen, / die Regierung stinkt und / die Geld Philosophie ist Scheiße. / Intensivstörung wird von Bank und Staat / in unser Leben gebracht.
Wenn die Menschen zusammenkommen, / geeint sind und im Echten stark, / dann ist die Stunde gekommen und / Intensivstörung haut einfach ab.
Die einfachen Dinge sind einfach, / sind grenzenlos und wahr. / Liebe ist die Wahrheit, ist wunderbar. / Intensivstörung endet, wenn der Mensch erwacht.
Music & Lyrics: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

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TALKING EUROPEAN CRISIS (BANKAS AND POLITOS FIGHT THE BIG WAR) dedicated to the people of the European Union – Michel Montecrossa video release

Talking European Crisis (Bankas and Politos fight the big war)‘, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Songs dedicated to liberating the European Union from ruthless polito-corruptos and banka-gangstas for the good of a prospering European Union of all the people.

Watch here the video of Michel Montecrossa‘s New-Topical-Song ‘TALKING EUROPEAN CRISIS (BANKAS AND POLITOS FIGHT THE BIG WAR) dedicated to the people of the European Union


Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking European Crisis’:
“There is no European or any other crisis if we expand our consciousness. The banka and polito world is only a narrow minded hypnotism to make people think like bureaucrats, functionaries, managers and unquestioning system slaves.
Activate your brain, leave the unreal system hypnotism and be powerfully free in the real world of love and unity.
Then you can make true everything that’s good for all and the harmful power and greed obsessions of mad bankas and politos will simply evaporate.”

More songs and movies:

Single Cover - Michel Montecrossa's TALKING EUROPEAN CRISIS (BANKAS AND POLITOS FIGHT THE BIG WAR) dedicated to the people of the European Union

Song Lyrics

Talking European Crisis
(Bankas and Politos fight the big war)

Bankas and politos fight the big war.
It’s not the war on terror but the war on us all.
Banka-polito world, I say, is not human,
is a greed and software based world of cruel oppression,
is a world of cheap labour and sell-out slavery.

Genocide and torture are the end of the road
that begins with austerity and big bail out money
to make the rich richer and the less rich poor
and the poor poorer and void of liberty.
Be it Europe or the whole world: It’s the wrong road.

Bankas and politos fight the big war.
Bankas are united in their global greed system
and can be active everywhere.
Politos have big weapons but are limited to nations.
That’s why politos lose their battles with the bankas
and we, the people, are cheated by both of them.

But our future is strong with the young dream,
is a love based world of total liberty,
is a world that cares for all humanity.
The European crisis is no crisis at all
if we follow the true way, hear the unity call.

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa,
© Mira Sound Germany

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‘Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht’ – Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD & Video

‘SAHRA WAGENKNECHT HAT RECHT’, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany, ist Michel Montecrossa’s Deutsch-Topical-Song Audio-CD Single und Musik Video für Beendigung des perversen Wahnsinnssystems der Polito-Bankas.

Hier das Video ‘Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht’ anschauen:


More music and videos:

Michel Montecrossa:
“Manche Politos und manche Bankas wissen ganz genau, dass sie uns, den Leuten, nicht helfen, sondern nur für sich selbst da sind und uns betrügen. Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, wenn sie von einem ‘perversen Wahnsinnssystem‘ spricht.
Ich sage, dass es der Job der Politos und Bankas ist, für uns, die Leute, da zu sein. Es ist nicht ihr Job, die Welt zu ruinieren und dafür von uns auch noch Bezahlung zu verlangen.“

“Some politos and some bankas know very well that they are not helping us, the people, but are only helping themselves and are cheating us. Sahra Wagenknecht is right when she speaks of a ‘perverted madness-system’.
I say that it is the job of politos and bankas to be there for us, the people. It is not their job to ruin the world and to even demand from us payment for that.”

Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt. / Das Wahnsinnssystem der Banka-Zockerbuden / muss verschwinden, muss sich ändern. / Der Wert der Arbeit ist der wahre Wert, / denn der wahre Wert sind wir.
Die Bankas und Politos / wollen uns, den wahren Wert, / wollen uns zu Sklaven machen, / billig und gefügig, ohne viel zu denken / sollen wir für sie die ewigen Reichtümer sichern. / Nahrung wollen sie von uns, / Autos, Häuser und Vergnügen. / Alles sollen wir machen und sie tun nichts.
Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt.
Das Wahnsinnssystem der Polito-Zockerbuden / muss verschwinden, muss sich ändern. / Der wahre Wert der Arbeit ist der wahre Wert, / denn der wahre Wert sind wir.
Bankas und Politos / wollen unser Geld, / wollen uns am Boden halten. / Ihr Zynismus und ihr Lügen / sind grenzenlos und schlecht. / Es ist Zeit, alles zu verändern. / Leute, macht nicht länger mit! / Wir sind die Leute, unser eigenes Glück!
Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist echt, / Sahra Wagenknecht ist korrekt. / Das Wahnsinnssystem der Polito-Banka-Gangstas / ist am Ende, doch der Anfang sind wir: / Wir sind der Wert der Arbeit, der wahre Wert, / ja, der wahre Wert sind wir.
Text und Musik: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

CD-Cover: Michel Montecrossa's Single 'Sahra Wagenknecht hat recht'