Featured video: ‘Talking Banking Solution’ (The Evolver Song) – Michel Montecrossa’s Song stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People

Talking Banking Solution’ (The Evolver Song), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song singing ‘capitalism has to change’ and is stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People.

More songs and videos: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

Michel Montecrossa says about Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song):

“Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song) is singing about capitalism that has to change and is singing that true banking is no myth and is singing that the solution is Real Value Banking which is not destroying business and nations through rising interest rates in times of crises.
This song is linked to what I told the Greek magazine ITHAQUE.GR during an interview: We all need a fundamental change of the world’s financial system, including full debt relief for all EU countries, controlled change from speculator banking to Real Value Banking, a stabilizing Euro reform that makes the Euro the currency of the United States of Europe and all that followed by a fresh, unburdened start of the working hand free for future building.
There is a Big Consciousness working behind the tough appearances for the True, the Right and the Vast. It is also working in us. Let’s be open to it with hope and courage and a better future will come.”

Note: read the full interview with the Greek magazine ITHAQUE.GR here

Michel Montecrossa's Single 'Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song)'

Song Lyrics

Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / Talking banking solution – here it comes!
The outer must feedback with the inner, I say, / and the inner must be free to see the great / that has the power to bring the big change / into the outer as a consciousness gain.
Consciousness is there everywhere, / is there in our seeing and feeling and loving, / is there in our sense of unity action, / is there in our will for the true and right direction.
It brings the solution for the banking disaster, / is a shift to Real Value Banking that masters / greed-dominated speculator shit / through equal sharing of profit and risk,
by investing only in real work and production, / by earning according to high or low profit / and not through interest rates that rise when deals go down, / killing products and jobs and lives of the young.
The only real value is the working hand. / Real Value Banking is earning less in less good days / and is earning well in bright, good days. / Through fairness it is saving working hands and happy days.
Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / They are for the bold and strong.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany


Become a friend of Michel Montecrossa on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

Watch Michel Montecrossa videos & trailers on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/michelmontecross

Download great Michel Montecross songs from Bandcamp: http://michelmontecrossa.bandcamp.com

Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song) – Michel Montecrossa releases Single & DVD stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People

Talking Banking Solution’ (The Evolver Song), released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song singing ‘capitalism has to change’ and is stimulated by World Economic Forum, Occupy & the People.

More songs and videos: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

Michel Montecrossa says about Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song):
“Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song) is singing about capitalism that has to change and is singing that true banking is no myth and is singing that the solution is Real Value Banking which is not destroying business and nations through rising interest rates in times of crises.
This song is linked to what I told the Greek magazine ITHAQUE.GR during an interview: We all need a fundamental change of the world’s financial system, including full debt relief for all EU countries, controlled change from speculator banking to Real Value Banking, a stabilizing Euro reform that makes the Euro the currency of the United States of Europe and all that followed by a fresh, unburdened start of the working hand free for future building.
There is a Big Consciousness working behind the tough appearances for the True, the Right and the Vast. It is also working in us. Let’s be open to it with hope and courage and a better future will come.”

Michel Montecrossa's Single 'Talking Banking Solution (The Evolver Song)'

Song Lyrics

Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / Talking banking solution – here it comes!
The outer must feedback with the inner, I say, / and the inner must be free to see the great / that has the power to bring the big change / into the outer as a consciousness gain.
Consciousness is there everywhere, / is there in our seeing and feeling and loving, / is there in our sense of unity action, / is there in our will for the true and right direction.
It brings the solution for the banking disaster, / is a shift to Real Value Banking that masters / greed-dominated speculator shit / through equal sharing of profit and risk,
by investing only in real work and production, / by earning according to high or low profit / and not through interest rates that rise when deals go down, / killing products and jobs and lives of the young.
The only real value is the working hand. / Real Value Banking is earning less in less good days / and is earning well in bright, good days. / Through fairness it is saving working hands and happy days.
Listen all ye people all over the world: / The songs of hope I bring, they are Evolver Songs. / They are about solutions for fixing all that’s wrong. / They are for the bold and strong.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Become a friend of Michel Montecrossa on facebook: www.facebook.com/michel.montecrossa

Michel Montecrossa videos, trailers and Live Concerts on Vimeo:

‘Occupy Wall Street’ – 17 Michel Montecrossa songs & movies dedicated to the voice of the people of the world

‘Occupy Wall Street – 17 New-Topical-Songs & Movies’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio CD and DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s poignant song expression of the need, the anguish, the unrest and the hope of the people of the world. In his topical songs Michel Montecrossa not only confronts conflicts, controversial issues and grave problems but above all leads to solutions and hopeful answers.

watch the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ music video

The 17 ‘Occupy Wall Street’ topical songs are:
Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement‘, ‘Talking Italy, Portugal, Spain Austerity‘, ‘Talkin‘ Chile‘s Camila Vallejo‘, ‘Young Million Rap‘, ‘Talkin‘ Battle For Libya – Talkin‘ Battle For The World‘, ‘Talkin‘ Norway, Syria And More‘, ‘Talkin‘ Somalia Famine‘, ‘Nameless Glory Reloaded‘, ‘My Heart Is Bleedin‘ (The Christchurch Song)‘, ‘Talkin‘ Lines Of Fire‘, ‘In The Street‘, ‘Talkin‘ End Of Terror – Talkin‘ End Of Bin Laden‘, ‘Germany Is Green For The Future Of Europe‘, ‘American Crossroads‘, ‘China Means Future‘, ‘The United States Of Planet Earth‘, ‘Let‘s Go Future!‘.

Michel Montecrossa about the 17 ‘Occupy Wall Street’ songs:
“The world is driftin’ apart. The distance between rich and poor is growing. Mad politos and mad bankas. From terror to nuclear war. And in the midst of all human and natural disasters something wonderful is happening. It is outside the limitations of mind and it is moving the soul of the people. A quantum leap of humanity, a marvel of evolution.
Things don’t fall apart. Finally we are set free and the prisons crumble.”

Michel Montecrossa's album 'Occupy Wall Street'

Michel Montecrossa Homepge: www.MichelMontecrossa.com

Watch more Michel Montecrossa Videos, Movie-Trailers and Concert Videos on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/michelmontecross

Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement – Michel Montecrossa’s Single for the 99%

Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song dedicated to the ‘Occupy Wall Street Movement’ and its demand for change of the financial system.
Michel Montecrossa says:
“My song ‘Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’ is dedicated to the ‘Occupy Wall Street Movement’ of the 99% that no longer accept the greed and corruption financial system of the 1% threatening the very existence of entire nations.”

watch the video ‘Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’

Single Cover – Michel Montecrossa’s ‘Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’

Single - Michel Montecrossa's Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’

Money is the language of greed. / Greed is governing Wall Street. / Wall Street speculator gangs / are killing entire nations by
downgrading them for gaining / high interest rates till default, / followed by swallowing of bail out funds / which are fed by our tax money.
Step by step we lose our money / through rising taxes and lower pensions, / through rising prices and lower wages, / through rising rents, health and education cost.
Politos and bankas claim / world power and world domination, / want to bring down the people to the level /of slaves and of cheap labour force.
But everywhere, I say, there are also / the good ones and the young, of course, / who want to have a future / and that’s why there is good hope for change
of the financial system / and of polito corruption / and for the coming of free education / and work for all and fair wages.
The unity of mankind can bring that: / the living celebration of humanity / and the coming of / the United States of Planet Earth.
Money then is no more the language of greed. / Greed no more is governing Wall Street. / Wall Street speculator gangs no more / are killing entire nations.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Click here to download the New-Topical-Song Talking Occupy Wall Street Movement’ from bandcamp

Michel Montecrossa Homepage


Watch Michel Montecrossa videos, trailer and more on Youtube and on Vimeo

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