Today’s Quote – Michel Montecrossa: “.. That’s why the ordinary outlook on things and the ordinary way of life lose their value. We increasingly feel the presence of something new and unprecedented. ..”

Today’s Quote:

The world is passing through one of the decisive moments of the earth’s history, for now the time has come and the earth has entered the process of becoming the Bright Earth.

That’s why the ordinary outlook on things and the ordinary way of life lose their value. We increasingly feel the presence of something new and unprecedented. It is the action of a mighty Love that is growing stronger every day, that is changing all and is finally revealing the Bright Earth as a living reality visible to all.

This change has begun but our smallness cries out against all that is new and unprecedented with egoism, hostility and unwillingness. We must rather open ourselves to what is coming and welcome through receptivity and goodwill the liberating love and action of the Bright Earth, for her Love World Action saves. About this action I sing together with Mirakali and Diana Antara at the ‘Love World Action Saves’ Concert.

– quote: Michel Montecrossa about his ‘Love World Action Saves’ Concert in Mirapuri. Listen here to the opener of this Concert & live-album: ‘Love World Action Saves’

Explore more quotes by Michel Montecrossa under the tag Today’s Quote

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Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song CD ‘Love World Action Saves’

Today’s Quote – Michel Montecrossa: “The next future will be as good as is our present goodwill, understanding, awareness and consciousness. ..”

Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali – live on stage at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy

Michel Montecrossa says:

” .. We all have to face times when we can no longer switch back the clock or overlook the facts that give a new meaning and reality to our life.
We have to adapt quickly to the existential problems of risin’ food-, energy- and housing-prices, dwindling natural resources, energy wars, growing pollution, deterioration of human values, work, wages and education along with global climate change.
The next future will be as good as is our present goodwill, understanding, awareness and consciousness.

Quote taken from: Michel Montecrossa about his 10 days ‘Alternative Future’ Concerts at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2009 in Mirapuri – more information about the ‘Alternative Future’ Concert series and various tracks to listen you find here

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Michel Montecrossa sez: “The next generation will live in a future world that will be as good as is our present goodwill ..

Michel Montecrossa sez: “We all have to face times when we can no longer switch back the clock or overlook the facts that give a new meaning and reality to our life.
We have to adapt quickly to the existential problems of risin’ food-, energy- and housing-prices, dwindling natural resources, energy wars, growing pollution, deterioration of human values, work, wages and education along with globale climate change.
The next generation will live in a future world that will be as good as is our present goodwill, understanding, awareness and consciousness.”

Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song ‘Next Generation’


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Message on 24th July, 2015: Mirapuri and the members of the Mayan Solar Wisdom

Message on 24th July, 2015: From now on Mirapuri and the members of the Mayan Solar Wisdom, who with the loving and soulful leadership of Venerable Abuela Nah Kin came to us on Tuesday 21st July 2015, will be one family of Bright Earth Children that works for a transformed world governed by Love. Thank you again for all the goodwill, kindness and generosity of Wisdom and Love that Venerable Abuela Nah Kin and all of you brought to Mirapuri.
Today, 24th July 2015, the Spirit of Woodstock Festival of Mirapuri begins with our first concert at 19:00. After the festival opening song Mirakali and myself will sing two songs dedicated to Venerable Abuela Nah Kin and all of you: ’Love, Stars and Children’ by Mirakali and ’Victory Mood Of Love’ by myself.

Listen to the song:

Love, Stars and Children (by Mirakali)
One with the heart that beats in tune with yours.
One with the breath you feel in your hair.
One with the warmth that unites us all.
As we walk the trail of life
and see and feel all the tears,
the pain and the suffering,
let us walk as strong souls
that know the way out of darkness.
Let us calm the storm
with the strength of our love.
Let us heal the wounds
with courageous love.
Let us give a home to those
who are homeless and alone.
Let us end all wars
and give peace and freedom to all.
Give them room for precious life,
its joy, wideness and free light.
One with the stream of happiness
you give to me.
One with the bliss
of your body and your touch.
One with the light
that shines in your eyes.
Love, stars and children
are the gifts of heaven
that make us remember paradise.

Victory Mood Of Love (by Michel Montecrossa)
Victory Mood of Love moves on a highway,
moves on a road and on a path.
My mood always moves forward,
my mood of conquest and of victorious love.
My mood entered the conscious path
leading to the road and to the sweetest heart.
Now I’m flyin’ with my song
to you and I know: Victory is most enduring love.
“Victory Mood of Love!”
Victory Mood of Love moves on a highway,
moves on a road and on a path.
My mood always moves forward,
my mood of conquest and of victorious love.
My mood entered the conscious path
leading to the road and to the sweetest heart.
The victory of yesterday must be only
one step towards tomorrow’s victory.
Outside the divine all is falsehood
and illusion, all is mournful obscurity.
Victory Mood of Love moves on every path,
on every road and every highway.
“Victory Mood of Love! Victory Mood of Love!”

With the Blessings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother we are with you for a happy first day of your program in St.Vigil.
– Michel Montecrossa
(posted on facebook:

visit of Venerable Abuela Nah Kin, the spiritual leader of the Solar Mayan Tradition and friends performing the Maya Eagle Energy Ceremony at the Miravinci, 5

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More about the Venerable Abuela Nah Kin and the Mayan Solar Wisdom

Michel Montecrossa – message on July 22, 2014

My message for today:
“Humanity, Goodwill and Cooperation for the best of all is the right answer in difficulties.”

– Michel Montecrossa, message on 22nd July 2014

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Featured video: ‘Politos & Bankas Don’t Give The Answer’ – Topical Song for Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia: World Union is the answer!

Politos & Bankas Don’t Give The Answer‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, for Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia telling: World Union is the answer! There is no crisis! World Union of the people will liberate all of us from the fake crises staged by politos and bankas created for scaring us into submission, poverty and slavery. There is no European people crisis or any crisis of the people of the world. There is only the ethical crisis of polito-corruptos and banka-gangstas and their foul play. Politos and bankas are just a fraction of the billions of people on earth. Once the billions take a stand for the billions the rule of polito-banka falsehood is over and humanity, fairness, goodwill and unity will reign for the good of all, for mothers and fathers and their loved ones on this planet.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Politos & Bankas Don’t Give The Answer (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia: World Union is the answer!)’:
“The fake crises staged by politos & bankas have only one aim: to create cheap and mindless slaves for the rich. Politos & bankas are not on the side of the people. They only want to misuse and manipulate us. They don’t want to do anything for us. They want to establish a global two-class rich-poor society and not human unity.
They want dictated poverty, enforced jobless rates and control over land and water to keep us down to the ground without freedom of mind, movement and expression. The people are the work force and the people don’t have a financial crisis. It’s all hypnotism and a bluff for scaring us into submission. The people must use their work force for themselves, for their freedom, for unhindered expression and bring to an end misuse of politics and economy. They must bring to the parliaments the movements of the people for correcting the mistakes of outdated party systems. They must establish laws leading to the creation of the United States of Planet earth for bringing peace, jobs, equal wages, free health care and education to everyone on earth on the way to a better future. World Union is the answer.”

Politos and bankas don’t give the answer. / There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere. / No India-Agni-Rocket can give you safety. / Five millions in the Sahel-Zone are about to die.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry. / Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds / in the midst of land and water grabbing / for export of food not given to the hungry.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden. / I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young, / of intelligence and hope in the mud of slums, / of mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Politos and bankas don’t give the answer. / There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere. / No closing of borders can give you safety. / Millions on the run need human unity.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry. / Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds / in the midst of drought and climate change, / smitten with poverty and pain without end.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden. / I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young, / of nature and soul in the mud of slums, / of mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Politos and bankas don’t give the answer. / There’s a hard and hungry way everywhere. / No Syria-Style-Tyrant can give you safety. / No nuclear war can give peace and liberty.
The rich and the ugly get harder and will not cry. / Honour is with the poor and their souls like diamonds / in the midst of wars and drugs and crimes, / cheated, mistreated, knowing the song that never dies.
The spirit of humanity lives through the downtrodden. / I see billions of eyes of the nameless and young, / seeing the vision in the mud of slums / of living mothers and fathers and their loved ones.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

Michel Montecrossa's Single 'Politos & Bankas Don’t Give The Answer‘

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Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World; Michel Montecrossa Single Release

‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World’: released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song about mercy, forgiveness and change based on compassion and goodwill.

watch ‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World

Michel Montecrossa says about
‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World’:
“The battle for Libya is a battle for the world when victory brings mercy and forgiveness and not hatred and revenge.
The whole world needs a rise of civilization and not downfall into a barbarian age. Every change must be based on compassion and goodwill to be worthy of the world.
Let the past be past and bring the future of love and freedom, then not only the battle for Libya will be won but also the much greater battle for the world.”

Michel Montecrossa' Single ‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya - Talkin‘ Battle for the World’

Single Cover: Michel Montecrossa’s Single ‘Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World’


Talkin‘ Battle for Libya – Talkin‘ Battle for the World: / Victory for Libya means victory for the world / if it doesn’t mean bloodshed and cruel revenge, / if it will not bring conflicts of dirty power games.
Listen to me children of the future world, / learn from history not to repeat it again. / I sing today of the now that you think about / your today and now and keep tyrants out.
The battle for freedom is the battle of the world. / Wherever it is, it’s the battle of the young. / The young are made by love and for love they are born. / They shall bring love that makes all the world one.
Battle for Libya and for the World: / nations united bring peace to the earth. / The battle for Libya must bring end of sorrow / to be the sign of love for the world of tomorrow.
Victory of Libya must be a victory of mercy / and the end of things that are crazy. / Forgiveness, kindness and cooperation / are the victory needed for the whole world.
The world then will remember Libya’s rebellion / as a step and action on the upward path. / Future world of true intelligence demands / freedom of soul for the life of all.
Battle for Libya and for the world: / Each victory of love is good for the earth. / Each victory of love is good for us all. / Listen to me children of the bright coming dawn:
“Victory of rebellion / is a victory for the world / when changes come / without hate and pain.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany

Experience Michel Montecrossa at the upcoming DreamSpace Dance, Topical, Cyberrock & Viking Electronica Festival in Mirapuri, Italy

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All humanity as one Family – Michel Montecrossa about ‘Absolutely Family’

Michel Montecrossa says: “Family is unity. If we widen our vision it is easy to see all humanity as one family. This family too embraces many different characters so that quarrels and various points of views may arise. But if in this multitude of energies the sense for the one family is not lost the various fractions will naturally turn to dialogue, to communication and to a fundamentally peaceful attitude for solving conflicts. Multitude, variety and freedom of choice are the creative stuff out of which oneness is made and expresses itself through goodwill, cooperation, affection and love. As long as humanity and its nations does not lose sight of this original oneness in diversity there is a good chance that wars will not be chosen as the means for solving conflicts.
Every war is a lamentable failure of humanity. Every conflict solved by peaceful means is a step forward to a happy world and a better future of human unity and the living celebration of humanity. That’s why I am ‘Absolutely Family’ and I very much hope that present national and world-political conflicts will be solved through the will for peace and progress, through respect for each other and the readiness to include the creative contribution of everyone in a greater harmony of nation building. Then the human family will be living and prosperous and not sick and dying. Then the human family might soon be able to manifest the United States of Planet Earth for not only solving but also ending many of the great problems humanity has to face on its evolutionary way into the future.”

Listen to’Absolutely Family’ – click here

Watch Michel Montecrossa’s Video ‘The Family Of Man’

Michel Montecrossa Newsletter:

Watch Michel Montecrossa videos & trailers on Vimeo:

Im Begleittext zu Michel Montecrossa’s Produktion ‘Absoutely Family’  wird die größere Sichtweise, die die  ganze Menschheit als eine Familie betrachtet, beschrieben:

“Family is unity. If we widen our vision it is easy to see all humanity as one family. This family too embraces many different characters so that quarrels and various points of views may arise. But if in this multitude of energies the sense for the one family is not lost the various fractions will naturally turn to dialogue, to communication and to a fundamentally peaceful attitude for solving conflicts. Multitude, variety and freedom of choice are the creative stuff out of which oneness is made and expresses itself through goodwill, cooperation, affection and love. As long as humanity and its nations does not lose sight of this original oneness in diversity there is a good chance that wars will not be chosen as the means for solving conflicts.
Every war is a lamentable failure of humanity. Every conflict solved by peaceful means is a step forward to a happy world and a better future of human unity and the living celebration of humanity. That’s why I am ‘Absolutely Family’ and I very much hope that present national and world-political conflicts will be solved through the will for peace and progress through respect for each other and the readiness to include the creative contribution of everyone in a greater harmony of nation building. Then the human family will be living and prosperous and not sick and dying. Then the human family might soon be able to manifest the United States of Planet Earth for not only solving but also ending many of the great problems humanity has to face on its evolutionary way into the future.”

Den Song’Absolutely Family’ anhören – hier

Watch Michel Montecrossa’s Video ‘The Family Of Man’

Michel Montecrossa Newsletter:

Michel Montecrossa Videos & Trailer bei Vimeo:

Absolutely Family Climate Change Concert – Michel Montecrossa’s new album and DVD

‘Absolutely Family’ Climate Change Concert with new topical songs on Audio CD and DVD

Absolutely Family Concert

The ‘Absolutely Family’ Climate Change Concert with new topical songs, released by Mira Sound Germany as Double Audio-CD or DVD is Michel Montecrossa’s third concert of the Future World & Climate Change Concert Tour 2011.
Performed in the Omnidiet Music-Hall in Mirapuri on 19th February 2011 the concert includes 21 acoustic and electric songs related to the quickly changing life of humanity and planet earth, including the title song ‘Absolutely Family ‘ and more great acoustic songs like ‘Twitter Topics ‘, ‘Children’s Glory, The Fountain Of Youth ‘, ‘Angelo Augustus ‘ and ‘A German Song ‘.
Mirakali and Diana Antara contribute touching songs like ‘Heart of Bliss‘ and ‘Greatest Power‘.

Michel Montecrossa says:
“Family is unity. If we widen our vision it is easy to see all humanity as one family. This family too embraces many different characters so that quarrels and various points of views may arise. But if in this multitude of energies the sense for the one family is not lost the various fractions will naturally turn to dialogue, to communication and to a fundamentally peaceful attitude for solving conflicts. Multitude, variety and freedom of choice are the creative stuff out of which oneness is made and expresses itself through goodwill, cooperation, affection and love. As long as humanity and its nations does not lose sight of this original oneness in diversity there is a good chance that wars will not be chosen as the means for solving conflicts.
Every war is a lamentable failure of humanity. Every conflict solved by peaceful means is a step forward to a happy world and a better future of human unity and the living celebration of humanity. That’s why I am ‘Absolutely Family’ and I very much hope that present national and world-political conflicts will be solved through the will for peace and progress through respect for each other and the readiness to include the creative contribution of everyone in a greater harmony of nation building. Then the human family will be living and prosperous and not sick and dying. Then the human family might soon be able to manifest the United States of Planet Earth for not only solving but also ending many of the great problems humanity has to face on its evolutionary way into the future.”

The Songs, Disc One (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. Absolutely Family
  2. Twitter Topics
  3. Children’s Glory, The Fountain Of Youth
  4. Heart Of Bliss
  5. Greatest Power
  6. Tenderness And Strength
  7. Family Of Man Song (After The Revolution)
  8. Working Hands
  9. Solidarity
  10. Mirabella & Arnika
  11. Deepest Touch
  12. Flying Wide

The Songs, Disc Two (Click the song title to read the lyrics):

  1. The Right Way
  2. Arnika
  3. Angelo Augustus
  4. Soul Of A Planet
  5. Guardian Angel
  6. Dreams And Reality
  7. Fire Of The Morning Star
  8. It’s Time To Listen To More Than We Know
  9. A German Song (Ein Deutsches Lied)

Michel Montcerossa Newsletter:

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Mira Sound Germany veröffentlicht Michel Montecrossa’s Doppel-Album ‘Absolutely Family’ Climate Change Concert. Zu den  Album-Highlights zählen die Akustik-Songs Absolutely Family‘ , ‘Twitter Topics‘, ‘Children’s Glory, The Fountain Of Youth‘, ‘Angelo Augustus‘ und ‘A German Song‘.
Mirakali und Diana Antara präsentieren eigene Top-Songs wie ‘Heart of Bliss‘ (Mirakali) und ‘Greatest Power‘ (Diana Antara)
Absolutely Family Concert

Trackliste, Disc 1 (Die unterstrichenen Titel anklicken, um den betreffenden Songtext zu lesen):

  1. Absolutely Family
  2. Twitter Topics
  3. Children’s Glory, The Fountain Of Youth
  4. Heart Of Bliss
  5. Greatest Power
  6. Tenderness And Strength
  7. Family Of Man Song (After The Revolution)
  8. Working Hands
  9. Solidarity
  10. Mirabella & Arnika
  11. Deepest Touch
  12. Flying Wide

Trackliste, Disc 2 (Die unterstrichenen Titel anklicken, um den betreffenden Songtext zu lesen):

  1. The Right Way
  2. Arnika
  3. Angelo Augustus
  4. Soul Of A Planet
  5. Guardian Angel
  6. Dreams And Reality
  7. Fire Of The Morning Star
  8. It’s Time To Listen To More Than We Know
  9. A German Song (Ein Deutsches Lied)
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